
Head of Rawalumbu Subdistrict Denies Two Lurahs In His Area Receive Rations From Illegal Drug Stores

Jumat, 14 Februari 2025, Februari 14, 2025 WIB Last Updated 2025-02-15T07:39:40Z


Bekasi City, buserfactapendukasi.com 

Two lurahs in the Rawalumbu District area denied the accusation of facilitating permission from illegal drug stores under the guise of cosmetics shops. 

The two villages are Bojong Menteng Village Chief and Penangsinan Village Chief.Previously circulating reports from one of the local media that mentioned sub-district and village officials in Rawalumbu and local law enforcement officials (APH) made the circulation of illegal drugs as a source of side income.

This accusation was firmly denied by the Village Chief of Bojong Menteng Waryo, and Wardiansyah Pengasinan Village Chief. They both also acknowledge the accusation of receiving a monthly ration from the sale of illegal BBAT Group G.

Head of Bojong Menteng Waryo said that the accusation of coordination with dealers is untrue.

"I emphasized, there was no permission from the lurah. As for the reports from residents, I immediately acted with Satpol PP, Polsek, and Babinsa, instead I wanted to meet with people who sold my name to smooth their illegal business," he said. Friday (10/1/2025).

The same thing was confirmed by the Wardiansyah Pengasinan Village Chief who said that the profiteering of his name was hoaks.

"We routinely crack down on illegal shops and involve three pillars of residents can directly report to me, I emphasize once again the name of my name is not true," he said.

He mentioned that in the last three months the Pengasinan Kelurahan together with the three pillars had taken action as many as four stores based on reports of local residents.

"Among them are in Narogong, continue at RW 28, RW 2 and RW 1," explained Wardiansyah.

Meanwhile, Rawalumbu Sub-District Head, Nia Aminah Kurniati stressed, strongly opposed the circulation of illegal drugs that had a negative and destructive impact on the nation's children in the future what else to bring the name of the Rawalumbu District Apparatus.

"There is no permission for shops like that if there is something in our name, it is a lie. If there are elements in the name of we who give permission, it does not exist," said the former Secretary of the Health Service. Friday (10/1/2025).

Nia asked the public to report if he found suspicious activity to keep the area safe and clean.

."I also often appeal to residents who rent a shop if there are shop tenants so that they are checked for what to sell and always be in the control, so do not let us give space for those who have to rent with this bad purpose I often convey to RT and RW DIEvery time we are active in Rawalumbu District,

 "he said. (Editor)



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