"Strangely, the clarification and confirmation letter of DPP NGO Forkorindo is said to be missing from the room of the Head of Sarpras Education Office of Bogor RegencyThis raises a big question so that it will be reported to the authorities. "
Jakarta. Buser Fakta Pendidikan Com
The request for confirmation of the public and social control was lost without one of the chiefs who were allegedly fear of clarification and confirmation of the absorption of the budget that had been carried out. The amount of the budget that has been used in the purchase of goods according to the operational needs of schools in the Bogor Regency.
When the Non -Governmental Organization of the Indonesian People's Communication Forum (Forkorindo) questioned the long -term letter and when asked to the administrative of the correspondence immediately gave an answer that the letter had been disposed of the Head of the Education Office to the HeadSarpras Division to answer the letter, when the DPP NGO Investigation Team Forkorindo questioned the letter, one of the staff and scurity (Satpam) entered the head of the head of the field to check the letter.
However, when the security guard came out immediately answered that the letter was lost from the roomThis is very strange how can the letter miss from the Kabid room, what's up, this is also a big question, what they do not understand the function of the letter or do not understand from the manuscript of the correspondence, said one of the investigations to this media crew.
The amount of the budget that has been used is approximately hundreds of billions of rupiah every year, but in accordance with the facts in the field strongly the alleged implementation of the activity is the most strange mark-up, the reproach that has carried out the procurement of goods is allegedly unable to fulfillQualification requirements, because when the Forkorindo NGO investigation team checks several companies through sites or online, LKKP or SOS attitudes that many of these companies do not meet the KLBI requirements or the fields worked on are not in accordance with what the auction committee is asked through LPSEBogor Regency.This is strong allegations of cooperation to appoint the auction winner.
On that occasion also Secretary General of the NGO Forkorindo Timbu Sinaga. SE spoke up about ASN ethics receiving a letter of request for information on the absorption of the budget that has been used while the budget is the results of public tax levies in this case the community needs to get information on absorption or implementation of activities sourced from the resultstax or other.
Secretary General of the NGO Forkorindo said to the media crew so that the parties from APIP, BPK and law enforcement officers in the Bogor Regency area need to conduct a definite audit and be accepted by the wider community, in accordance with expectations and need to provide severe sanctions for the parties involved, In accordance with Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010 concerning Dispilin of Civil Servants or ASN, in the near future we from the DPP NGO Forkorindo will report officially to the Metro Jaya Police Law Enforcement Officials to process in accordance with the Corruption Criminal Act. (Editor)