'Official!... Circular Letter (SE) of the West Java Education Office: The Student Farewell Ceremony Must Be Held at School and If Not, There Will Be Sanctions for Those Who Violate.'
Bandung. Buser Educational Facts Com.
The West Java Provincial Education Office has issued a Circular Letter (SE) regulating the implementation of studentf arewell ceremonies in schools for the 2024/2025 academic year.
Circular Letter No: 6685/PW.01/SEKRE issued on February 25, 2025, is addressed to the Heads of Education Branch Offices from area 1 to 13, as well as to the Heads ofS MA, SMK, and SLB in West Java.
There are also the objectives and principles of implementing farewell activities.
In accordance with this circular regulates that for farewell activities or graduation for high school, vocational and SLB students in West Java at the end of the school year 2024/2025 must be carried out simply and prioritizee ssence togetherness, family, and appreciation for students.
The West Java Provincial Education Office stressed that the separation activity not about luxury, but about the meaning that can be learned by all related parties.
Implementation of separation in the school environment.
To avoid waste, students' farewell activities must be carried out in the environment of their respective education units by utilizing facilities and existing infrastructure.
This aims to avoid unnecessary costs that can be burdensome students and parents.
By maximizing existing facilities, it is hoped that the activity will remain can be carried out well without adding financial burden.
Prohibition of cost levies.
It is important to know that in this circular, the Head of the Education Unit, Teachers, and education personnel are prohibited from levying any form intended to finance the implementation of separation.
However, the school can provide support for activities organized by students or the school committee, such as interms of providing facilities and infrastructure at the school or in supporting the event committee for the farewellceremony.
In this way, activities can run smoothly without additional financial pressure on parties not obligated.
Supervision and Cooperation with Authorities
As a form of responsibility in implementing farewell activities, educational units are requested to supervise these activities.
This supervision needs to be conducted in collaboration with the authorities to prevent violations of order norms that could harm the school and the community.
With strict supervision, it is hoped that the farewell event can proceed accordingly.
with the expected values, without leading to activities that do not conform to existing norms and regulations.
Sanctions for ASN Violating Policies
As a follow-up to this circular letter, the West Java Provincial Education Office emphasizes that for ASN (Civil Service
Apparatus) who do not comply with the established policies, sanctions will be imposed in accordance with
Government Regulation No. 94 of 2021 on the Discipline of State Civil Servants.
The implementation of these sanctions aims to ensure that the policies are enforced firmly and that no party ignores them.
For Educational Units Organized by the Community
This circular letter also states that for educational units organized by the community or foundations, the provisions mentioned in this circular must be adjusted to the policies of each educational provider or foundation.
Nevertheless, the basic principles contained in this circular must still be followed, such as the implementation being simple, without burdensome charges, and carried out within the school environment.
This supervision needs to be conducted in collaboration with the authorities to prevent violations of order norms that could harm the school and the community.
With strict supervision, it is hoped that farewell events can proceed in accordance with the expected values, without leading to activities that do not conform to existing norms and regulations.
As a follow-up to this circular, the West Java Provincial Education Office emphasizes that for ASN (Civil Servants) who do not comply with the established policies, sanctions will be imposed in accordance with Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 on Civil Servant Discipline.
The enforcement of these sanctions aims to ensure that the policies are implemented firmly and that no party disregards them.
For Educational Units Organized by the Community
This circular also states that for educational units organized by the community or foundations, the provisions mentioned in this circular must be adjusted to the policies of each respective education organizer or foundation.
Nevertheless, the basic principles contained in this circular must still be followed, like a simple implementation, without burdensome charges, and carried out in the school environment.
This circular issued by the West Java Provincial Education Office is an important step in maintaining accountability and transparency in the implementation of student farewell activities.
By considering the values of togetherness and avoiding activities that may add to the financial burden, it is hoped that the farewell activities can run smoothly and in accordance with educational goals.
Therefore, it is important for all parties involved, including the school principal, teachers, educators, and students—to adhere to these rules to create meaningful farewell activities filled with togetherness.
Thus, this circular is delivered to be a point of attention and a common guideline (Red)